Automate Trading Strategy
What are the important things you should keep in mind when building a trading system
People say when they trade manually it's hard to control their emotions, that's why they started algo trading. But Algo Trading removes emotions is a myth, there's no way...
What differentiates the best traders from the bad ones? Why 95% of the traders don’t make money? Trading is an unpredictable game, how could one win in that?
If you are someone who spends more time on analyzing markets during trading, then this for you. As a trader we constantly think about various setups and look for...
First and blunt mistake that I did was, thinking I know all about markets, this happens with every beginner, I read some books, watch some videos, take few trades and...
People always say that 90% of traders fail, only few make money in markets. What separate the winners from losers? What these 10% of people know about that rest...
Its because you give utmost importance to entry and least bothered about exit. Lets see how does a typical intraday trader starts his day? He first scans the news...
Some of cases I have seen from my experience are as follows: Situation 1:- Rohit’s wife met with an accident and he ended up spending Rs 5 lakh in...
You start day trading by start losing. If your capital is 100k, then just start with 10k first. No matter what, you are going to lose all in the...