Algo Trading in India |
squareoff trading bots
  • September 16, 2024
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Automate Your Trading Strategy

We have enabled customization option with our trading bots, using which you can now easily customize the entry timing and exit timing based on your requirement.

  1. Visit login using your broker credentials every day between 8am to 9am.

2. Once you login to dashboard, we have Baskets strategy template for BankNifty, Nifty and FinNifty, where you can update the entry time, exit time and lot size. By default entry time is 9:20 am, people who wish to avoid the intial morning volatility can change the timing to 9:45 or 10 am or later on as per their wish, accordingly the orders would get triggered. If you do not want to wait till 3:10 pm, you can update the exit time also to an earlier time. 

3. If you want to customize Short Straddle system by setting your own entry time, own exit time, Stop loss % and making hedge as optional, you can do the following. Select BSS or NSS Strategy template then make your own customization.

4. Soon we will add Create your own strategy option, where users can setup their own option trading system with all other parameters like Stop loss, Target and multiple other parameters that would allow users to automate their own strategy as well. 

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